What Is A Full Stack Web Developer?

What Is A Full Stack Web Developer?

A Full Stack Web Developer :

A full stack web developer means a person who will both perform the frontend & backend of a website. Full stack web developer are familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and one or more back end languages.

What is a front end developer?

Front end developers build the visible parts of websites (like web pages and user interfaces) that users see and interact with from their web browsers.

The front end is built with languages like:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript etc.

There have been advances in JavaScript itself (including the creation of frameworks like AngularJs, jQuery, ReactJs, NodeJs).

What is a back end developer?

Back end developers build the “under the hood” parts of websites that users don’t interact with directly. Back end programming languages include:

  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • Python etc.


  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Ideally, one or more third-party library like React or Angular.
  • Programming languages and libraries like Ruby, PHP, Python.
  • Experience with databases, like MongoDB, Oracle, SQL, MySQL.
  • Version control like Git.
  • Knowledge of security concerns and best practices.
  • Ideally, some knowledge of web or visual design, plus user experience best practices.

That's all are basics knowledge about a full stack web developer. If you find it informative don't forget to leave a comment below. Thank You!

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